
Sacraments are central to the lives of Catholics. They help us meet the incarnate Jesus, who comes to us through cleansing water and invigorating oil to welcome us, life-giving bread and wine that become His Body and Blood, a hand outstretched in forgiveness, vows lovingly exchanged in marriage, and oil to strengthen the sick and comfort the dying.

The Latin word sacramentum means “a sign of the sacred.” The sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important. They are special occasions for experiencing God’s saving presence.

A sacramental program is offered each year for children seeking Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.


To baptise means to “immerse” in water. The one who is baptised is immersed into the death of Christ and rises with him as a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). 


The sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession, Penance) is the means and the sign of Christ’s willingness to heal us.


Confirmation confirms and strengthens baptismal grace. 


Eucharist is the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus, instituted at the Last Supper and celebrated in Mass.


Matrimony establishes an exclusive and lifelong bond between spouses, giving the couple grace to grow in holiness together and to accept the gift of children.

Anointing of the sick

Anointing unites the sick person more intimately to Christ, giving comfort, peace, courage, and the forgiveness of sins.