Men for All Seasons

The Men for All Season’s group came into being in June 2013 as a vehicle for the men of our Parish Community and their friends (all men are welcome), to get together and share one another’s company. The inaugural meeting of the group occurred on the 17th of June 2013.

The group operates from an annual calendar of events (February to December) formulated in December each year with input from all members. Monthly Events mostly include travel by bus/car; smoko; activity such as a guided tour of a museum, refinery or dairy etc.; lunch at a club or hotel incorporating acknowledgement and celebration (cake etc.) of members’ birthdays falling during the month.

In the past the group has:

  • Enjoyed over 90 events;
  • Increased membership from twenty to one hundred and eighty;
  • Increased average event attendance numbers from sixteen to thirty.

Practices have kept pace with growth ensuring members’ Health and Safety is at the forefront when suitable events are planned for inclusion in the Calendar of Events. A Volunteer First Aid Officer with a first aid kit & defibrillator is on duty for all trips, and bottled drinking water, sunscreen, hand wash, and, paper towel are available to members during all trips. All Event Venues are screened to ensure they are safe for all members.

All men are welcome and invited to join the group.

Please refer to our “Information Pack” or contact Dick Neal on 07 4635 5565 or 04 8106 9119 for more information if you are interested in joining the group.

Recent activities