Monday, 4 April 2022
We had a roll up of twenty-three (23) for this trip, thinking when we left our homes that we were bound for Stanthorpe. The fun started at around 7.30 am when we received news that the highway to Stanthorpe was cut at Glengallan Creek due to flooding. Following a brief discussion, the group decided to travel north on spec. Peter & Warwick sprang into action & organized the day while we were in transit. When considering how the day started along with factoring in our numerous hold-ups due to road works, the day turned out fine i.e., all the feedback I have received on the day from members has been positive – The old-adage of bad start good finish has struck again.
The timber museum is a credit to the Wondai Community & Kingaroy Regional Council as it features the history of the local timber industry along with a large display of items made from local timbers in their on-site workshop – unfortunately the workshop was not in operation during our visit.
After our great lunch at the RSL Club in Kingaroy members’ birthdays falling in April were acknowledged & celebrated viz.:
Michael Bourke, Gary Dwyer, Trevor Hohn, John McAuliffe, Pat McNamee, Neil Phelan, Bill Phillips, Bruce Sullivan & Peter Thompson.
Special thanks to all who contributed to making this another safe & enjoyable event for all attendees, including Peter Taylor for organising the original planned event – cancelled due to flooding; Peter & Warwick Dingle for organising this event on the run; Warwick, Mark Rowland & team for loading & unloading the coach & looking after our hydration needs; the staff at the RSL Club for providing us with a good meal in a timely manner; Michael Bourke & Doug Meiklejohn for looking after our name badges along with receiving & counting the money etc.; Tony Wind for his gig as our First Aid Officer – it is great to have Tony back fit & healthy after his recent heart surgery; Ross Morley for ensuring we all got on & off the coach safely at each stop; Warwick for ensuring all members were accounted for prior to each time the coach departed; Jan Neal (as usual) for making our birthday cake; &, last but not least, Graeme (Coach driver) for transporting us to & from Wondai safely.
Our next event is on TUESDAY the 3rd of May 2022 – full details will be advised later.